
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Vintage Fabric

One of my most favorite collections to see, are vintage fabric collectios...old tea towels, doillies, furniture arm covers, tablecloths, feedsacks...well you get the idea!
 Recently I was browsing in my fave local thrift shop, and I found a few pieces to sweet to pass up...
so I purchased a few pieces, I wanted them all...but I had to pick just a few.
Above are two table cloths, I love the colors, the blue-green border looks to be older than the yellow, but both are fabulous!
I can't wait to grow my newest collection!


  1. Good evening Paula! I ADORE those colors of your towels! I just cannot get enough of the peaceful color blue/green. It reminds me of the ocean. THANK YOU FOR COMING OVER TONIGHT! Happy Sunday, Anita

  2. cute looking table cloth and cute blog you have here!

    1. Thank you! I am new to blogging so still learning...


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