
Monday, January 6, 2014

2013 Blogging Lessons

2013 has been a GREAT year!

I started this blog as a way to share my creations, 
and connect with others that like to craft.

As I look back, I can see small gains in improving 
my blogging abilities, and thought I might share them.

Along the way, I have admired others blogs,
and eventually began to scrutinize and compare, 
identifying key elements to improve my blogging.

 Photography: I love pretty pictures...they help illustrate an idea, and set the mood...really inspire me to create. But my photography skills are pretty poor. I have identified several important issues:    
  • Taking the time to get it right...I only own a point and shoot camera...aaaannnd sometimes I'm a little shaky, or in a hurry {as in Icreatedthisreallycoolproject and haven'tpostedinforever} I created some really cute Halloween projects, but the photos are so bad, the items didn't even get repinned once.
  • Edit the Photos ...Picmonkey and I are becoming acquainted {he is a cheeky little monkey}. I haven't sprung to become a royal member, so far the free editing is challenging enough. One day, I hope to learn to use Photoshop {and maybe afford it} but my skill doesn't warrant that purchase.
  • Create a captioned photo for sharing ...I love the pretty captioned pictures and collages I see on linky parties and Pinterest, but only recently did it dawn on me that I could create something similar with Picmonkey or my IPhone app by Rhonna Designs.
Focus: I started my blog, as I said above, to share my crafty goodies and connect...but somehow I was just sharing random items, like my lasagna recipe...{well it is a good recipe} but that's not what I am all about. I can't do that sort of's just not me, and when I go back and re-read those posts I cringe. I love to follow and read blogs that have a little of everything in them, but I don't have that time or knowledge to do it well.
  • Stick to what I know: I know paper is what I do...on my day off, for holidays, it's what I like to window shop...paper, ink, glue, and glitter...and vintage items to incorporate.  
  • One project at a time: When I first started blogging, I was so excited to be putting something out there, I would put everything out one post. I would start with one project and then tack on 24 others....recently I realized one post gets repinned quite often, it is a tutorial with pictures for each step...and nothing else bootlegging along. So, now I am trying to stick to that basic formula...share one project, with an un-wordy tutorial.
  • Connect with others: I am still working on this one...linky parties, reading and commenting are time consuming, so I have been expanding my following list, linking up, and most importantly...Visiting others and commenting meaningfully with an invite to visit my blog. 
Learn new skills: Although, I have used a computer at work for many years, it was usually working within a special program...I have learned much about computers, blogging, and social media. I still have a long way to go, but here are a few things I have accomplished...
  • Made my own Blog Header: yep! I tried out several color schemes, and premade blog headers...but they just didn't really look right. I created the header with Rhonna Designs on my IPhone, and resized after I sent it to my computer. My blog background is by ShabbyBlogs, and I will probably keep it for a while, its neutral and polka dots {which I love}.
  • Side bar art: Using the Rhonna app, I made several side bar items...Follow, Popular posts, Well Hello there...etc...
  • Add Pinterest board widgets: took me forever! But I got it!  I am still working on getting my FB blog page to show up on my side bar.
I know I have a long way to go, and I never expect to have a professional blog...just a creative outlet with a sense of crafty community.

Happy Blogging in 2014!



  1. 'Great tips! I've learned a lot about blogging, too, but still have a L O N G way to go! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. Hi Paula,

    Lots of good tips for newbies like myself, thank you! Blogging can be an overwhelming task if we are not organized. It is so easy to get sidetracked, and sometimes when I'm working on a post, another idea spins off of it. Next thing I know I've got three or four to do! The best advice I ever got was to write out the steps in my post, then take pictures of each step as I do it. It has really helped me get a post done more efficiently. You are doing a great job, and I love your crafty blog!



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