
Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer of Solder

Several years ago, I bought an inspirational craft book,

Actually, I was intrigued with the cover and art, not realizing it was a how-to for soldering charms and all manner of beautiful things.

I eventually bought a soldering kit

But was afraid to use it...I was scared, actually, of trying something new.

So the book, and kit sat un-used until this summer, when my Uncle David Chris offered to teach my Aunt Jane and me how to solder.

Uncle David Chris was an excellent teacher, and soon we were happily soldering away.

One of my first pieces...not perfect but, 
Soldering is addictive, the more you do it, the more you want to.
Which is a good thing because soldering takes much practice, practice, practice.

My son Evan has the soldering bug also!

I hope to eventually be proficient enough to make charm bracelets with my own art.


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